Connell eyeing handicap pots with Land Barry Connell could go down the handicap route with Good Land after his next run. The Grade 1 winning hurdler made a promising return from a lengthy absence when third to Ile Atlantique on his chase debut at Navan in December. On his most recent outing he travelled well for a long way before being outpaced in the closing stages and finishing fourth behind Impaire Et Passe in the Grade 1 event at Limerick over Christmas. Connell revealed that he’ll get another crack at graded company before eyeing some nice handicap prizes over a trip:- “He will probably go to Naas later this month for a Grade 3 and will be eligible for a handicap mark after that.   “I’m looking at something like a Leinster National with him, but he’s definitely ground dependant — he won’t run unless the ground is very soft as he’s had that tendon injury.   “The race in Limerick was a bit short of two and a half miles and they went no gallop. They crawled and then sprinted which caught him out. He got going at the end.   “At this stage I think he probably wants three miles and a good solid gallop. His jumping is excellent, he jumps like a handicapper.   “William Munny will run at Fairyhouse on Saturday week in a maiden (hurdle).” (Quotes by Alan Magee)